Software Vault: The Platinum Collection
Software Vault (The Platinum Collection)(American Databankers Corporation).ISO
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║ 46 - Programmers Utilities ║
3DROTSRC.ZIP 22,685 03-26-93 Source code and demo for 3D rotations ofdelayvector box.
4THCMP21.ZIP 103,797 06-23-93 FORTH language compiler for computersrunning MS-DOS.
AE20A.ZIP 22,159 11-11-93 ASM Edit v2.0. Assembly language programeditor.
ASCII_2.ZIP 11,603 07-01-93 Reveals Ascii And Extended ASCII Codes InHex/Dec.
ASMDRV.ZIP 46,408 06-17-93 Write DOS device drivers in C and ASM sourcecode provided.
BBSAMT30.ZIP 38,727 08-04-93 BBS ANSI Music Tutorial, v3.0.
BINHEX13.ZIP 50,099 03-16-93 IBM Bin/Hex Converter.
BLI201NG.ZIP 27,976 04-05-93 Update patch Norton Guides for Blinker 2.0to 2.01.
BUGTRAKR.ZIP 257,978 05-31-93 Keeps Track Of Computer Program Bugs.
COBGEN.ZIP 34,099 05-17-93 Produces compiler-ready header and OBJfiles.
COMPILER.ZIP 82,495 10-03-93 Catalog :Compilers/Interp/Language Tools.
DDEPM.ZIP 10,263 09-09-93 Doing DDE with Program Manager. With moduleand sample app.
DINT_SW1.ZIP 33,690 07-13-93 INterrupt Toolkit Quick Ref. For INT 21hSub-Funct Calls.
DISATR11.ZIP 30,120 06-30-93 Disaster v1.1: Interactive .COM, .SYS and.EXE disassembler.
DNOT.ZIP 273,625 11-17-93 EMACS for DOS and Windows. Both versionswith documentation.
DOUGH20.ZIP 191,359 06-21-93 Creates Installation Program For YourProgram.
DSN93E.ZIP 26,830 08-30-93 Developer Support News. PSP's DeveloperAssistance Program.
DTSDDS.ZIP 5,539 07-26-93 Temporary solution to printing datadictionary.
EVOLV103.ZIP 110,645 03-23-93 EVOLVE! Source code structure editor.
EVOLV201.ZIP 222,243 08-06-93 EVOLVE! v2.0: Source code structure editor.
EZVIEW54.ZIP 54,898 10-22-93 EZView v5.4: File viewing utility.
GDM01.ZIP 431,292 10-03-93 GAME DEVELOPERS MAGAZINE - Issue 1.Australian Made!
GEOP1121.ZIP 59,572 11-21-93 Latest GoldEd Update from G1114 (not G1115!)to G1121.
GROUPED.ZIP 15,208 10-23-93 Editor for Program Manager's .GRP files:Windows.
HDINSTAL.ZIP 34,721 07-07-93 Installs Files From A Drive To C Drive; ForProg. Develop.
HLP2TPH.ZIP 34,047 10-28-93 Converts TurboPower .HLP to Borland .TPHHelp.
HLPDK80.ZIP 399,599 08-01-93 Software Development Kit. Builds HypertextHelp Systems.
IMPRES26.ZIP 160,172 06-01-93 First Impression v2.6: Generic installprogram.
INST40.ZIP 127,477 07-08-93 Make Custom Install Progs. For ANY Program.Sup. PCX Logo.
INTER38A.ZIP 371,636 12-05-93 MSDOS Interrupt List, Rel. 38: Comprehensivelist. (1 of 3)
INTER38B.ZIP 398,375 12-05-93 MSDOS Interrupt List, Rel. 38: Comprehensivelist. (2 of 3)
INTER38C.ZIP 153,494 07-16-93 MSDOS Interrupt List, Rel. 38: Comprehensivelist. (3 of 3)
IPRO307.ZIP 132,933 07-22-93 Automated Install System. InstallApplications.
MNGLR114.ZIP 38,175 10-22-93 Mangler v1.14: mangles TP source code, butstill compiles!
MTOOL11.ZIP 77,676 06-04-93 Programming Tool Lets You Edit Icons. Req:VGA, Mouse,DOS3+.
NNV12N19.ZIP 98,475 11-19-93 Neural Nets Digest Nos. 12 -19 Vol. 12.
NUMBTOOL.ZIP 18,263 07-21-93 NUMBTOOL.ZIP: Utility converts Hex to othernumber bases.
PI48A.ZIP 95,234 06-17-93 Professional install program.
PMVC11.ZIP 5,494 08-03-93 Keep Control Of Software versions.
QB_LIST.ZIP 34,308 06-25-93 Prints QB code with margins, headers, pagenumbers, & more.
QLSTF102.ZIP 45,700 05-08-93 DOS & OS/2 Util To Number And PaginateSource Code.
QM24.ZIP 504,510 08-07-93 Questmaker v2.4: A System For DevelopingGames.
QNET10.ZIP 687,988 10-09-93 Neural Net Developer: Trial Version.
QPATCH13.ZIP 31,042 08-14-93 Quick, Patch It v1.3: Complete developerspatching program.
REXXUTIL.ZIP 27,691 07-11-93 Rexxutil Information And Samples.
RMAXFLW2.ZIP 146,904 06-15-93 Flowchart generator supports plotters, laserprinters, etc.
RSSINST1.ZIP 328,624 06-15-93 Install Routines For ZIP, ARJ, PAK, & LZHFiles.
RXU11.ZIP 119,087 06-11-93 Rexx External Util. Package WithMulti-threaded Programming.
S3DSIZ21.ZIP 83,165 08-24-93 S3 Delimited Field Size Utility (DSIZE)v2.1.
SAM2V220.ZIP 14,640 07-06-93 SAM2 v2.20: general purpose source app mgr.
SOSENG22.ZIP 13,399 10-25-93 SOS-ENGINE v2.20: Low-level debugging andmore.
SPEXEDLT.ZIP 111,629 06-21-93 SPEX EDIT Lite; C Editor From UK.
SPY_TRAK.ZIP 53,167 08-16-93 Spy Trak is a disassembling and debuggingtool.
SRCVIEW.ZIP 39,472 04-01-93 Source View v3.0i: Programmers text editorw/ many features.
SYACC131.ZIP 75,255 11-11-93 Lalr(1) parser generator. Similar to yacc i.
TBT317.ZIP 49,158 09-07-93 TurboBAT Batch File Compiler v3.17.
TDE32.ZIP 486,776 11-13-93 TDE v3.2 Multi-File/Multi-Window Text/BinaryEditor.
TMBINMOR.ZIP 20,207 06-10-93 View binary fixed-length-record files inhex, dec or ASCII.
TMTOUCH.ZIP 8,040 06-09-93 Updates file timestamp to current time.
TVTOOLS.ZIP 163,263 06-11-93 TVTools: TurboVision libraries with sourcecode.
TXT2BIN.ZIP 10,368 10-21-93 Text-to-Binary Conversion Program v1.13.
UENT.ZIP 670,880 11-08-93 MicroEMACS 1.1 for MS Windows 3.1.
VCOLORS.ZIP 106,811 06-30-93 Example program demonstrating color paletteconversions.
VERSN27.ZIP 8,106 11-15-93 Non-TSR passes DOS version info to programon command line.
VLA_FONT.ZIP 82,497 09-28-93 Various font and programming tools from VLA.
WDIALOG.ZIP 215,386 03-21-93 Simple way for programmers to create and usedialog boxes.
WINST210.ZIP 36,052 09-04-93 Front end for installing programs intoWindows 3.1.
WSP150.ZIP 12,750 06-03-93 Compares Binary And ASCII Files.
XNOT14.ZIP 350,881 10-04-93 EMACS-like editor for DOS/Win/Win-NT.